* Maintenance release

* New icon

* Run Tasker task - label and description updated, removed automatic link to Google Play (when already installed, Tasker dialog will be displayed)

* Notification uses service, realtime connect/disconnect events displayed
* Service start on boot fixed
* Localization support
* Portuguese + Brazilian support

- Android Oreo (SDK 26) - workaround for excluded system broadcasts on Android 8.0+ (Power/Dock control)
Google makes our lives very hard. The only solution is to run a notification service and listen for system events.
You can hide the notification by long tapping it.

- Outgoing calls trigger removed - Google Play policy

- Update: Maximum of one thread works with the BT stack
- New: BT service connect timeout mechanism added
- New: Wakelock with a release timeout added

- Update: Shortcut - TouchWiz - preserves name and icon

- New: Notification visible only when the connection service is active
- Update: Some options disabled when not used

- New: Inteligent connect (if profile connected and not connected to our intended devices then connection is enforced otherwise it is skipped)
- New: Profiles displayes under the Devices dialog
- New: Rename device manually (long tap device in the list)
- New: Connect Every option
- New: Tasker Action Plugin - Global settings support added
- Update: Device timeout fixed for last device of the profile

- New: Auto connect gives up if profile connected and device matches our connection list (useful for shortcuts and specific devices to force a connection)
- New: Run Disconnect App option added
- New: Bluetooth not disabled if an ongoing call is taking place
- New: Retry Count option added

- New: Tasker Event support - you can notify Tasker when a specific device connects or disconnects

- Update: Tasker integration fixed

- New: Shortcut Disconnect method added

- Update: Android 4.4 KitKat support added, Google Bluetooth Service Unbind bug workaround (device rename does not work)

- Update: Back support updated

- Update: Removed PBAP profile (caused dead lock in Android)
- Update: setPriority() handled only for A2DP and Headset profiles
- Update: All profiles tested 

- Update: setPriority() gets really disabled if exception occurs

- Update: Shortcuts and Tasker has new devices disabled (except in the config activity for the first time)

- Update: setPriority() gets disabled if exception occurs
- Update: Widget settings screen Home support added

- New: Shortcut - Toggle Bluetooth support added
- Update: Telephony hardware not required (should fix the install issues on some devices)
- Update: Incoming/Outgoing call handling updated
- New: Use setPriority() option added, in case of problems turn off

- New: Incoming Call changed to Call (all calls - incoming and outgoing calls added too) 

- New: Incoming Call Control option added (lets you enable bluetooth for incoming calls)
- New: Device Profiles support (each device can have a different set of profiles, if blank the global profiles are used)
- New: Run App long tap - Edit Intent support added
- New: Automatically turn off BT if inactive for X minutes - new option added

- New: Device setPriority used - in case of manually unchecked profile under Android BT settings connection would not work on some devices (Samsung), the new feature fixes it
- Fix: Leaked service fixed

- Update: Special handling of HTC One devices and their Bluetooth Share service crashing (I don't own the device so it took a bit longer)

- New: Power Control added

- New: Device Connected event added
- New: Dock Control option - Enable / Disable Bluetooth When Docked / Undocked (old Dock mechanism also supported) 

- New: Profile Devices option added, off by default. Fixes cases with empty Devices list. 
  Some Samsung ROMs return no proxy devices even though they are there and exist (the ROM bug). Such filtering has been disabled by default and can be turned on if working fine on your ROM. 

- Update: Devices consider the profiles specified and list only relevant devices

- New: Other profiles added (HEALTH, INPUT_DEVICE, PAN, PBAP)
- New: Run app
- New: All Devices Mode (some Samsung devices return an empty list for the BluetoothProfile method getDevicesMatchingConnectionStates(), we try to workaround this by using getBondedDevices() instead)
- Update: Only one thread can connect at a time
- Fix: Android 4.2 renamed devices

- New: Android 4.2 renamed device support
- New: Devices list - Only devices with supported profiles are listed

- New: Notification icon support added
- Update: Events logged

- New: Shortcut support added (also automatically turns Bluetooth on if not already)
- New: Priority Retry feature (Experimental feature to connect to available devices with higher priority)
- New: Docked Status option added (Turn Bluetooth on when docked)
- New: Dock event handled as Power event
- Fix: Some possible FCs fixed

- New: Devices option - prioritized list of devices to work with - drag & drop devices to change priority and check to enable/disable
- Update: All devices option removed as it is already covered by the new Devices option
- Update: Set Last device handled differently - device put to the top (as high priority)

- New: Device disconnected event added
- New: Partial wake lock added for proper uninterrupted functionality
- Update: Log option treated properly
- Fix: Tasker Disconnect fixed

- New: Bluetooth handling completely rewritten, no more waiting operation etc.
- Update: Debug log created only if enabled in Settings
- Update: Send feedback - attaches log file if exists

- New: Audio notification - Play a notification sound when BT connection succeeds
- New: Events (Power connected, Bluetooth on, Screen on)
- New: Retry After - if connection does not succeed additional reconnect will be attempted after given interval (0 stands for do not retry)
- Update: Settings updated 
- Update: Clear Task with long press

- New: Debug logs support added, no more logcat required
- New: Advanced settings category
- Update: Better logging with profile names
- Update: Connected state retried with sleep interval 

- Update: Profile status read only from the proxy
- Update: Single device uses the same behavior as multiple devices
- Update: Profile logging added

- New: All Devices Timeout option added
- New: Test Connection support

- New: Smart Connect option introduced (any time the screen goes on and Bluetooth is enabled the auto connect is triggered, no need for Tasker anymore)

- New: Bluetooth Device name supports renamed devices (aliases)

- Fix: FCs fixed
- Update: Defaults updated

- New: All devices handling changed - Remembers status of already connected profiles so other devices will not be re-connected using the same profile (fully working now), Device always retried first
- New: Settings Mode option introduced
- Update: Notification option removed, Logcat used instead
- Update: Settings - labels and order changed

- New: New option - Turn Bluetooth On added

- Update: Updated manifest to work for the Locale app (Tasker worked fine)

- New: All Devices option provides a mechanism to try to connect to all paired devices

- New: Send feedback added

- Update: Better labels and description used

- New: Bluetooth enable request for the Settings activity added
- New: Bluetooth Broadcast receiver to automatically reload the Devices list when BT enabled or disabled

- New: Tasker/Local plugin - new Profile action added - Connect / Disconnect actions supported

- New: Tasker/Locale plugin support - Connects to a predefined set of profiles and device

- New: New option "Set last device" added, if unchecked the set device will not be updated when connected to a different device

- New: Connect Media Audio option (A2DP profile)
- New: Connect Call Audio option (Headset profile)
- New: Tasker integration (runs a predefined Tasker task when device connects)
- New: Device option to override device (detected automatically but you can manually set it too)

- Initial release